Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tapas on your titties bitch

First off, Spain is wonderful and I am never coming back. The air is cleaner, the people are cooler, the nightlife is better, and their coffee is tastier. Absolutely no reason to come home. So far, let's just say that it has been an adventure... Now it is time for some stories: How to survive in Europe without Euros. Well, mostly you just need some generous friends, but even they get tired of you free loading after a few days. What happened is that my card wouldn't work here and all I had was 6 euros left from what I brought with me after the cab/bus ride to Oviedo from Madrid. My new nick name is the urban Bear Grylls, not just because of this but also because I have no innate sense of direction and I get lost going just about anywhere, but somehow I still manage to get where I need to go. Honestly, sometimes I just get lost. If you were here, you wouldn't blame me, this place is confusing!! And a lot of the streets look the same. It is not all fun and games here, I am learning important life skills like how to speak spanish, improving my charade skills and how to make a blowtorch out of a hair dryer. Apparently there is a wattage difference between Espana and The Estadasunidos. The people here party like it's 1999 and I can't keep up... Seriously! They go out at like 1 in the morning and don't get home till around 8 the next day... I am going to need a liver transplant by the time I am done with this trip!

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